What is OSTCA?

OSTCA is an association of college and university faculty promoting speech, theatre, and communication education in the state of Oklahoma and the surrounding region. We have many members from outside the state who join us for our state convention because of our focus on creating a welcoming atmosphere that encourages collegiality, creativity and collaboration.

What does OSTCA stand for?

Oklahoma Speech Theatre and Communication Association

How do I become a Member?

You can fill out our membership form to join here and pay your dues here.

What does OSTCA do for its members?

OSTCA serves its members in many ways, including:

  • Holding an annual conference to share papers and programs which present the latest research and offer practical suggestions for teaching.

  • Publishing the Oklahoma Communication Journal and an annual Membership Directory.

  • Acting on issues concerning speech, theatre, and communication education.

  • Working closely with state, regional, and national professional and educational organizations affiliated with speech, theatre, and communication education.

  • Offering award incentives to encourage excellence in teaching at all levels.